Okay so this book was clearly judged by the cover and I picked it up and loved the blurb and I wanted to read it for a long time. And I finally did!
This book is about Marin who is away from home with nothing from her previous life and she is very scared and lonely. Her best friend comes to her rescue (like every best friend would) traveling 3000 miles to get her reply to the texts she had been sending and to talk and to convince her to be her old self. The story is very sad yet gives me a warm fuzzy feeling for she has a friend that never backs down and makes sure that she is happy.
I love it that I have friends that are family and I can count on them for anything and everything. It is a blessing and I hope everyone has friends like that! Go hug them tight and never let them go.
We are okay is in all an amazing read and I would recommend it to everyone! 4/5